All volunteers must complete an application and comply with the Archdiocesan policy for the protection of children and youth.
Our Lady of Sorrows parish adheres strictly to the rules and guidelines set forth by the Archdiocese of Baltimore for the protection of children and youth. All the necessary forms and materials are available below, also at the Archdiocese website and in the parish office.
If you have any questions regarding these policies or the online training, which are required of all volunteers, please contact Liz Dixon at the Parish Office 410-867-2059.
We encourage all parents of Faith Formation students to take the training and submit the necessary forms to be certified for substantial contact with children. The process can take up to a week so it's better to do it now even if you're not planning to volunteer. Then there will be no problem if something comes up and you want to help.
Print version of Procedures for Volunteers (PDF)
Before you can serve as a volunteer you must:
- Review A Statement of Policy for the Protection of Children & Youth
- Review the Code of Conduct for Church Personnel in the Archdiocese of Baltimore
- Complete and sign an Application for Volunteer Service. References are not required if you will not have substantial contact with children.
If you are 18 years or older and will have substantial contact with children you must also:
- Complete the required training regarding childabuse and protection of children. See below to train online, or make other arrangements by contacting the parish office.
- Supply three (3) references on the volunteer application
- Complete and sign Volunteer Criminal History Screening Consent Form (must be done every five years)
Or if you are 14 to 17 years old and will have substantial contact with children you must also:
- View a video entitled “Worthy of the Call” which can be arranged by contacting the parish office.
- Supply three (3) references on the volunteer application.
- Have a parent sign completed application
Online Training: Click Here to go to the STAND training website
This online course is in four parts and takes about 90 minutes to complete. You may pause and return to it at any point in the program.
Our UserID is: ourladyofsorrows
password is: archbalt
The Responsible Administrator and Screening Coordinator will confirm that these procedures have been completed by all volunteers. If an applicant fails or refuses to complete any part of the screening procedures, then he/she cannot serve as a volunteer. The Responsible Administrator informs the individual that he/she cannot begin or continue his/her volunteer service until he/she has complied with all procedures.
Opportunities to volunteer are listed on the Ministries page