
View our Pastorate Ministry Brochure here


All volunteers in every ministry must complete an application and comply with the Archdiocesan policy for the protection of children and youth.



Our music ministry consists of cantors, adult choir, children's choir and various instrumentalists who play on special occasions. Our cantors sing at the 4:30 Mass on Saturday evening and the 8:00 Mass on Sunday morning.  We can always use additional voices. Our adult choir is open to anyone Grade 9 in high school through adult.  We sing at the 10:30 Sunday Mass and rehearse on Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:30. We also sing at all the special liturgies throughout the church year.  We always welcome new voices to join our choir family. The children's choir sings at Christmas Mass and rehearses only seasonally.  It is open to children Grades 2-8.

To participate in our choir or, if you play an instrument and would like to perform at special liturgies, please contact Director of Music:  Ben Touzeau Benjamin.Touzeau@archbalt.org

Community Relations

The Community Relations ministry is responsible, among other things, for our Holiday Sharing program which provides gift baskets of food at Thanksgiving, as well as gift baskets of food and angel tree gifts for children to needy families at Christmas. If you would like more information on how to volunteer for this ministry, please contact the parish office 410-867-2059 or email Elizabeth.Dixon@archbalt.org to leave a message.

Dominican Order

The Dominican Order is a family, composed of faith-filled men and women in a multitude of circumstances and geographic locations throughout the world. All are called to serve the Lord in a special way, following the path of our Father, St. Dominic. 

Our Dominican Third Order chapter meets in the rectory of OLOS on the third Thursday of each month from 7 - 9 p.m. The four pillars of Dominican life are, prayer, study, the apostolate and community life. We study and pray so we can know God better, love Him more, and serve Him by taking the fruits of our studies to people in the community.  We love The Church because Christ founded it, and we are faithful to its teachings. Charity is great love for God and of neighbor and it is the very spirit of the Dominican Order.  Our love for God is shown through acts of spiritual and corporal mercy. Our love and concern for our members takes place at our monthly meetings when we pray, study and share. If you think you would like to know more about us, contact Ann Devine - 301-261-9347 - anndeliasd@gmail.com

Eucharistic Adoration

As Catholics, we believe that Our Lord is truly present in the Eucharist, and Adoration is a special way of adoring Him. We have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament here every Tuesday from 9am to 2pm from September through May. This ministry of love and prayer has been going on for over ten years and is the source of many blessings we have received here at Our Lady of Sorrows.

Because The Lord cannot be left alone during this Exposition, we ask that all visitors sign in at the back of the main entrance at the time of their visit. We have 15 core members who attend every week but we need more people, even if it is just for a short while. Won't you come and spend some time with Jesus? 

For more information, please contact Ann Devine - 301-261-9347 - anndeliasd@gmail.com

Faith Formation

Faith Formation is a life-long process. It is also central to our duties as baptized Catholics to tell the Good News and to be of service to others.  Families engage in activities that help make the Kingdom real in their own lives.

Formal religious education classes for grades Pre-K through 12 meet Sunday morning. First Communicants are generally in the second grade or above and Confirmandi ninth grade and above.  We offer formation opportunities in the sacraments, including Baptism, First Eucharist, Confirmation, RCIA and Marriage Preparation. Bible Studies and Book Clubs are offered for adults. Vacation Bible School is held each year for children ages 3-12.

Volunteers of all ages and skills are needed for the many programs offered.  We always need teachers and helpers in the classrooms, office work, making calls, mentors, etc. Training is available for those interested in teaching. Contact the Faith Formation office 410-867-1941 or Deacon Tim Tim.Mikules@archbalt.org to see where your talents can best be used. 

Infant Clothes Closet

The impetus for this ministry was to assist our Gabriel Network friends but it is available to anyone in need. Housed at Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Hall, we have a variety of baby items and gently used clothes from Newborn to 2T. To start, the Infant Clothes Closet (ICC) will be open on Thursdays from 10am - 11am (more hours will be added as more volunteers become available) for parents to come to get what they need for their special arrival(s). Parents are welcome to use the items for as long as they need, and if/when they no longer need them, they are asked to return the items or pass them along to another family with a new special blessing. We gladly accept gently used donations. This is one small way of helping these precious gifts from God get a better start in this big world. To donate or request items, please contact the ICC coordinator, Barb Hayes, at infantclothesclosetolos@gmail.com.  

Knights of Columbus Council 8251

Knights are Catholic men, age 18 and up, who put their faith into action through charity, unity, and fraternity.  Knights serve Church, Parish, and community, making a positive difference in the lives of people from South County to Ukraine and beyond. Knights step "into the breach" by showing the world what manhood really is: a committed Catholic man who loves, whether as friend, as husband, as father, as grandfather, or as clergy.  Being a Knight offers a Catholic man's loved ones safety and security, both spiritually and financially.  Join the Knights in as little as five minutes here.  Fill out the online form, under "Preferred Local Council", enter "8251", and submit it.  We'll reach out to you right away!

Show your family, your loved ones, and your friends you're a committed Catholic man - come join us Knights of Columbus!  For further information please contact Frank Klein - calchaos79@gmail.com or visit the Council Site:  www.koc8251.org  

Liturgical Ministries

The Liturgical Ministries include:  Altar Servers, Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors and Ushers.  We are always happy to welcome and teach new volunteers.  We would also like to begin a "Greeters" ministry in which people and families of all ages would greet parishioners as they enter the church for Mass.  Please contact Donna Canedo truesetter@gmal.com if you are interested in joining this ministry. 

Meals on Wheels

There are two routes of deliveries made each weekday.  The meals are delivered to the church at about 11:15 daily.  Drivers pick them up here and deliver them to clients around South County, then return the empty coolers to the church.  Most drivers drive only every other week.  We always need substitutes.  If you're interested in volunteering or have any questions, please contact Jackie Lauer - 410-257-2760 - jhlauer@comcast.net   

Respect Life

The Gabriel Network (formerly known as the Gabriel Project) is a faith-based nonprofit pregnancy support network that provides practical, emotional, and spiritual assistance to women and families facing crisis pregnancies. The Gabriel Network is comprised of churches, volunteers, and maternity homes working in conjunction with pregnancy centers and other support agencies. Services include: transitional maternity housing and emergency shelter, 24/7 helpline support, transportation, adoption awareness, education/scholarships, computer training, job assistance, resource listings and referrals for other services. Please contact Kelly Mikules:  timothy_mikules@comcast.net  for more information. 

Women's Guild

The OLOS Women's Guild is comprised of women who are willing to help the parish while enjoying the company of other women. Would you like to help with the dinner in October, make candy in November, be part of the Children's Christmas Party and Secret Santa Shopping in December, help with Bingo, First Eucharist, Confirmation or Priest Appreciation Day in the spring or funeral receptions during the year? 

Join us at any meeting (the second Tuesday of the month after 9:00 mass) or contact President Vicki Knutson- PastorateWG@gmail.com. Not able to attend meetings but would like to help during evening or weekend events? Just give us a call and we will let you know when help is needed during those times. Membership is easy, helping is a little harder, but both are always greatly appreciated!